Patient Acknowledgement and Consent Form Effective April 14, 2003, the federal law known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1966 (“HIPAA”) requires that this office comply with certain rules regarding the maintenance of the privacy of your information that we have collected and will collect in the future. To comply with one of HIPAA’s requirements, we are giving you a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices. The Notice of Privacy Practices contains the information that HIPAA requires us to disclose regarding our privacy practices. Existing Michigan Law requires (in addition to our attempt to obtain your written acknowledgement, discussed above) us to first obtain your written consent prior to disclosing any of your information except for our disclosures in connection with: a defense to clain challenging out professional competence; a review entity’s functions; a claim for payment of fees; a third party payer’s examination of our records; a court order as part of a crimanal investigation; an identification of a dead body; a liscense investigation; or a child abuse/neglect investigation. From time to time it may be necessary for us to make disclosures of your information in connection with your treatment. For example, we may make a referral to or consult with another dentist or health care professional, provide a specimen to a laboratory for testing or otherwise make disclosures of your information in connection with providing or coordinating your treatment. Do you acknowledge that you have received a copy of our notice of privacy practice? Yes No Do you consent to our disclosure of your information that we deem necessary in order to provide you with proper treatment? Yes No Print Name: SignatureDate MM slash DD slash YYYY CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. FollowFollowFollowFollow © Ann Arbor Smiles Dental Group 2020 | Sitemap | Site Map| Accessibility Statement